Update Action ============= Used to change the data in the row. If data in a column is left blank, it will not be changed. Hello World for only change Hello ``&data=Hi`` for only change World ``&data=,Me`` Base URL -------- .. code-block:: https://script.google.com/.../exec?action=update Parameters ---------- id ~~ **Required** | The ID of the line to be updated. data ~~~~ **Required** | New data to be added. .. code-block:: https://script.google.com/.../exec?action=update&id=123456789&data=Hi All parameters can be sent via POST. There is also JSON support for named tables (read: Guide / Named Tabled). .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json POST with Array { "id": "123456789", "data": "Hi" } .. code-tab:: json POST with JSON { "id": "123456789", "data": { "name": "Hi" } } Returns ------- ``status`` : Boolean - True if it is successful. ``data`` : Array - New data. ``message``: String - If status is false, it is added instead of data and contains an error message. .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json Success { "status": true, "data": ["Hello", "World"] } .. code-tab:: json When the id parameter parameter is not sent { "status": false, "message": "id parameter not found" } .. code-tab:: json When the data parameter parameter is not sent { "status": false, "message": "data parameter not found" } .. code-tab:: json When sending wrong ID { "status": false, "message": "id not exists" }