Add Action ========== Adds a new row to the table. Base URL -------- .. code-block:: markdown Parameters ---------- data ~~~~ **Require** | Data to add to the table. .. code-block:: markdown,World id ~~ **Optional** | The ID value is entered automatically, you can add it instead. .. code-block:: markdown,Word&id=myID1 If you have a column name in table, you can add the data via post request as JSON. (Read: Guide/Named Columns) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: JS POST with array { "data": ["Hello", "World"] } .. code-tab:: JS POST with JSON { "data": { "name": "Hello", "lastname": "World" } } Returns ------- ``status`` : Boolean - True if it is successful. ``id`` : String - With what id the data was added. ``message``: String - If status is false, it is added instead of data and contains an error message. .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json Success { "status": true, "id": 1 } .. code-tab:: json Missing Data Parameter { "status": false, "message": "data not found" }